Anime Nano Podcast

Anime Nano Podcast: Bye Week

This is really what happened.

So during the weekend, Hinano and jpmeyer held hands. This made jpmeyer sick, and he’s out of commision right now. That, and we don’t have any topics to talk about. Plus people hate us. So rather than make a bunch of random stuff up, we’ll call this a bye week. See you next week (maybe)!

24 replies on “Anime Nano Podcast: Bye Week”

Don’t tell me you all went emo because some pedant’s panties got bunched over a lack of preparation.

If I wanted detailed outlines of every new anime this season, I would read it on some blog. I come here for the personalities, opinions and amusing banter. The three of you have a wonderful chemistry together. I have listened to other anime podcasts that do the “well-researched” bit and they tend to be dry, dull excercises.

Hey, I liked the new season preview, no matter what people said. Besides. You do a good job, otherwise I would have stopped listening after the first time you made fun of my name. *hugs all* Feel better, have a nice day, and throw the people you don’t like out the window!

lol I believe I would be that “pendant” with the bunched pantsu.

I seriously doubt this has anything to do with my comments (if I had that much stroke, Deadwood and Carnivale would still be on the air), but what can I say? I love information get! and I also love the witty banter that Team Podcast make.. I just didn’t get much of that (relative to it’s 50 minute runtime) from the last podcast, and felt that the lack of foreknowledge of what they were gonna talk about was the chief cause.

Not saying that everyone should know eeeverything.. when you have one or two people going ambling about aimlessly it can be fun.. but when you have all three without any direction, it’s not so.

Don’t get me wrong. I’ll still get the podcast like a whore.. I’m just offering some constructive criticism.

Even if they don’t have anything to say for awhile, I’m sure they’ll have plenty to say once the new season comes by in full swing and we’ve all gotten a wiff of its sweet/bitter aroma.(don’t ask…)

No seriously, we didn’t do it this week because we had all gotten sick this weekend and our schedules overlap in a way that the only time during the week when we can do the podcast is Sunday afternoon.

I bet the bye-week is just an excuse for Hung to play more disgaea2 πŸ™‚

Seriously though, hope you guys feel better soon.

Now a question: How do you respond when you tell people you watch anime, and then they say, “Aren’t you too old to be watching cartoons?” Or do you keep your anime watching habits a secret from non-anime fans?

Sigh. Like the rest of the commenters with friendly (constructive or otherwise) words, I’m gonna miss you guys, too. πŸ™

And… oh yeah, you could use the whole week to go on some sort of “sabbatical”, to think of a more fun way to podcast. I can imagine you guys climbing some steep mountain and meditate or something, lol.

>>Ohhhhhhhhhh shoot, I forgot that I’m going to be away this weekend. Someone will need to take my place.

I’ll step in, if Hung’ll have me. I’m tired of Pip not putting out, and also wish to reassert my loyalty and dedication to the master of this place by showing him that I’m not anti-him nor anti-this establishment.

you can get another female to replace jp and it’ll be like a harem.. cept you don’t have 8-10 girls wanting your body hung

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